Lots of things yet to do, but welcome to my drupal site. I just finished copying/pasting my old posts from my old WordPress site to this site by hand. Thank goodness there were only 31 and not more, as it took me the entire morning to do this!!!

Why switch from WordPress to Drupal, especially given how WP does lead in market share with over 62% of the sites out there (and 43% in terms of absolute usage), and Drupal is ranked at #6 with only around 1%, there are lots of companies and government sites which pay big bucks for Drupal developers1 (like a close friend of mine). The reason is that while I have experience with WP though my sites and a few others, I need to learn Drupal. And the reason for that is simple: there are lots of government and corporate sites using it, which means a large potential job market. And so, this site.

Things as I said, are not perfect. For example, there are alot of WP content tags hidden in the source for my posts. Worse, there are some embedded tags from the Show-Hide/Collapse-Expand WP plugin which gave me functionality like that of LiveJournal's lj-cut functionality.  Gawd, how I miss that functionality and that site in general, but I am not going to use it because of where it is now hosted, like so many friends who left there. I also miss having the functionality of LogJam, which was a GTK+2 client where I could type in my posts on my machine then upload them to LJ, with copies saved on my machine. It even ran on Windows for those stuck on that platform. But Drupal will likely require me to type such posts directly into the site. Oh well... (and this tangent was a perfect example of where I would use a lj-cut. And yes, I can probably do the same thing with jQuery and CSS, but...)  

There are other issues as well, such as styling on tables, placement of pictures, etc. which are the result of the copy/paste and differences between the two sites. And then there are theming issues, like my " About This Site" block in the right sidebar. Sorry for that, and I will try to get it fixed soon.

And yes, as a developer, I have a list of likes/dislikes of Drupal vs. WP, but while I have these typed up, I am not going to share those at the moment, as some of those are probably just me needing to find and install some plugin, or do some configuration someplace, or just plain getting used to the different way of doing things. But on the likes list, I clearly favor the fact that the code-blocks are generally nicer since they have a monospaced font instead of a proportional one, and they have a grey background instead of the normal white. And then there is the editing of posts (articles in the Drupal lingo), where the tags/categories (something I added to parallel what I had on WP, though tags are 99.99% the same thing in my mind) are right there for you to see when you bring the item up to edit it.

But stay tuned, and watch what happens. I hope to be lots more active here, just like I am getting more active on GitHub of late, after ages of using local Git repositories only accessible to myself.

  1. https://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/content_management