tito, mock, and building software

Granddaddy built houses for decades, and while I don't think I heard the adage from him, I learned all about using the right tool for the job growing up, between what I learned from Mom, and from what I learned through personal experience. For example, it is quite obvious that you don't use screwdrivers for driving nails into boards, but then you are faced with all the different hammers, all slightly different, for driving a nail... and we have not even considered the size of the nail.

Jenkins, git plugin, and git tags

The past couple of weeks have been filled with lots of little "I need to do X, but to do X, I first need to do Y, and to do that I need to do Z" type tasks. One of those items was learning about and then writing a new Releaser plugin for tito. More on it specifically in a post to be written shortly, but now that I have my client SSL certificate updated in my browser (yet another upcoming post), I can write this post to talk about an issue I had while working with tito and Jenkins.