It has been awhile since I have posted anything here, mainly due to work, and more recently the lack of it. One of the things I have been doing while pursuing a new job is upgrading one of my core servers, where my DNS, DHCP and cobbler servers run. It is an older, home-built 4U server with an Athlon 2500 processor, and has functioned remarkably well for more than 15 years (as they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it). But in recent months, it has started suffering from some disk issues, and in the interests of up-to-date software, lower power bills and the like, I decided it was time to rebuild it as a virtual machine. And while starting the process, I figured I would do a video as I used Ansible to build the replacement VM from scratch.
You can view the video, which is the first of a multi-part series, on my YouTube channel, or go directly to the video.