Initial System Load – The process of installing or reinstalling the OS onto a machine.


Select New Video: Repeatable, automated installs using ansible and cobbler – Part 1 New Video: Repeatable, automated installs using ansible and cobbler – Part 1

It has been awhile since I have posted anything here, mainly due to work, and more recently the lack of it. One of the things I have been doing while pursuing a new job is upgrading one of my core servers, where my DNS, DHCP and cobbler servers run. It is an older, home-built 4U server with an Athlon 2500 processor, and has functioned remarkably well for more than 15 years (as they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it).

LVM, ext3 and xfs

I have two machines which are my original two CentOS 7 installs, which date back several years. At that time, I was running an old (now ancient) version of cobbler which had a history of blowing up when I tried updating to newer versions (more on that in a different, future post), and there was no support for RHEL/CentOS 7 installs using it. And I don't mean that it was just missing the "signatures" and what defines an OS version to cobbler... the network boot just went ***BOOM*** as it was bringing up the installer.