Really Chrome??? WTF!!!

I have been using Chrome for many years now, having become a convert from Firefox when it first came out. But it has been getting to be a persistent pain on a number of fronts, and I have almost reached my Popeye moment, where "I have had all I can stands, and I can stands no more..."

SELinux and Tuleap (part 1)

I have been looking at tuleap for a personal Agile tool, to help me track tasks as I work on personal coding projects. For example, I might be working on a new version of a disk partitioning script to use with my kickstart installs, and come up with ideas I don't want to forget. So, to keep track of it, I have been creating tasks in Eclipse Mylyn using the stand-alone task list. But that list can be less than optimal, and it does not integrate with things like Jenkins, etc.

Google Chrome Frustrations

As a developer, it is not often that a developer or developer team makes me go WTF, and has me envisioning conducting a test of both electromagnetic repulsion and the Pauling Exclusion Principle using their head and an available desk or wall, but today, the Google Chrome team has done it twice. Congratulations to them for setting several new records (minimum interval between occurrences, and the more than once in a day).